Friday, March 09, 2007

Today's ministry

My floors are swept and mopped, my family room and kitchen are (mostly) decluttered. My guest bedroom is dusted and the furniture is polished. My guest bath is about half way scrubbed. But it's Friday. I like to leave Saturdays for family time, and I'm happy to have the luxury to do so. And Sunday is the Sabbath. So today, I have to prepare my home for the weekend. Or, as mentioned in an earlier post, I want to work for the Sabbath.

So, my tasks for today are... clean the toys out of the front yard, sweep the back deck, clean my shower, do umpteen loads of laundry, tidy the playroom and Bean's room (with her help... we'll see how that works out), plan and prepare dessert for tomorrow's party, and begin the arduous task of decluttering the master bedroom.

It's ambitious, I know. But the good news is that it isn't done begrudgingly or out of "kitchen slavery" as the Soviet posters would have you believe, but out of my desire to create an environment that is calming to my family and provides a suitable 'sanctuary' for the Sabbath. So this is my ministry. Today. We'll see about tomorrow when it comes.

Edited 5:32 PM: Little Man's doctor appointment took 2 full hours, and that was after Bean had a 'needy' morning with lots of attention. After a late lunch for all of us and my first round of antibiotics, I was beat and took a little 'catnap' while the kids slept. For 2 hours. So much for my domestic ministry today. Now, I'm off to cook dinner and throw together tomorrow's party dessert. Oh well.

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